

Origin New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, New York, 1978.
Parentage PR154-12 x Macoun.
Availability Early October on from special outlets.
Source Available from many nurseries.
Quality Attractive blushed red with some stripe; excellent flavour, sweet and sprightly aromatic; crisp and juicy.

Size Medium, may be smallish if not thinned.
Surface Smooth, glossy.
Ground Colour Yellowish.
Over Colour Up to 90% dark red with some stripe.
Flesh Colour Creamy yellow.
Harvest Season Early October.
Storage To December in cold, to March or more with Controlled Atmosphere.
Strains None recognized.

Vigour Medium to low.
Habit Upright spreading but wood is brittle and subject to breakage from heavy crops.
Precocity Good.
Fruit Placement Lateral on shoots, some spurs as the tree matures.
Bloom Period Late mid-season.
Pollination By other diploids.
Nutrition Vigour needs to be kept up.
Crop Very productive and, so far, is classed as an annual heavy producer.
Synchrony Good.
Adaptation Seems to do well in the northern tier of apple regions across North America. Fairly hardy.
Disease Reaction Immune to scab. Resistant to cedar apple rust. Mildly susceptible to powdery mildew and juniper rust. Low susceptibility to fire blight. Susceptible to core browning after storage, especially if fully mature at harvest. May develop vascular breakdown in long term Controlled Atmosphere/Low Oxygen storage.
Insect Reaction None recognized but watch for stinging bug attack.
Rootstock In the NC-140 trials it has performed well on many rootstocks and heavy crops have kept trees small, even on the semi-dwarf stocks.

Liberty is to date the highest quality among the scab resistant cultivars, ranking equal to or better than most cultivars both new and old, whether scab resistant or not. It merits widespread testing in order to find the parameters for its management.

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