Nova Scotia Apples - Food Safety
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Food Safety

Common sense practices can improve the cleanliness of fresh fruits and vegetables. Wash produce under clean running tap water before serving. Washing helps to remove microorganisms and dirt. Washing with soap is not necessary (but if you choose to do so, thoroughly rinse off the soap to avoid intestinal upset). Throw away outer leaves of vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage. Peel fruits and vegetables when appropriate. Scrub certain hearty vegetables, like potatoes and carrots, if you plan to eat the fiber-rich and nutritious skin.

With regards to Nova Scotia apples, pears and associated products, consumers can rest assured that Nova Scotia producers are well aware of concerns about contamination and that Nova Scotia products already have an excellent safety record. The Nova Scotia Fruit Growers' Association Board of Directors supports the CHC On-Farm Food Safety Program (see On Farm Food Safety) and therefore it does not support the spreading of biosolids.